Arthur Frommer Recognizes Darn Good Digs: “Take a Look and You’ll Be As Enchanted As I Was”

17 May, 2010 (20:13) | Budget Travel | By: darngooddigs

Last Friday we woke up to learn that Arthur Frommer, founder of Frommer’s guides and one of the most influential voices in the travel industry, featured on his blog.  In a post titled, “The Website Darn Good Digs Will Be of Major Assistance to Your Next Trip — Unless it’s too Successful“, Mr. Frommer describes as “a riot of color, and each hotel, hostel or b-and-b is thoroughly examined from every angle.” About our digs themselves, he writes, “You yearn to stay in these picturesque places covered by flowers and foliage, filled with well-stuffed easy chairs, bright and attractive and yet modestly-priced.” He concludes with, “Take a look. And when you do, you’ll be as enchanted as I was.”  We feel truly honored.

One of the best parts about being recognized by a blogger, journalist, or in this case, a respected travel guru like Arthur Frommer, is the flood of new nominations that arrives in our in-box as a result of the new-found publicity.  Travelers from all over write to us simply because they are excited about a cool place they stayed and want to share it with others.  Every week we get to read our email and discover extraordinary digs around the world – riverfront boutique hotels in Cambodia, Irish-themed bed and breakfasts in San Antonio, and eco-friendly beach-side inns in Mexico – all with rooms under $150 (and often way under!).

We sent Mr. Frommer a thank you email, but we would like to thank him again publicly on our blog.  We would also like to thank all the travelers out there who make Darn Good Digs possible – simply by nominating their favorite places.  The only reason we are able to feature such “outstanding” places is because you share them with us.

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Comment from Keith
Time May 19, 2010 at 10:31 pm

Congratulations on the recognition! You deserve it!

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