Why so darn good? "Juliana’s Hotel is a diver's paradise. Wim and Johanna are wonderful. Saba's scenery just gets better underwater, and Juliana's offers dive courses, room rates and great drinks after a day at sea. Relax in the village of Windwardside, and let the world drift away. At Juliana's you feel right at home - it's your own Antillean escape." "
Location: "In Winwardside town, you can see ash plume from Montserrat, as well as Caribbean views in the distance. To get to Saba, you most likely have to take a boat or plane from San Martin."
Rooms: "The hotel is well tended, and the rooms are spacious."
Food: "The hotel bar is a local's bar, with local business people, for example. The restaurant is good."
Vibe: "The pool is for guests as well as diving practice - to get scuba certified."