We love nominations and we depend on you to make darngooddigs.net as awesome as it can be.
From all of your suggestions, we pick the best of the best accommodations to be posted as Darn Good Digs. We study guidebooks, travel magazines, websites, and blogs, we network with other travelers, and we travel ourselves, all with the goal of finding a general consensus that a nomination ROCKS!
If we think a submission sounds super-cool, but we cannot find enough information or a consensus about it, we post it on our Bulletin Board, our directory of travelers' all-time favorite places to stay. While darngooddigs.net reserves the right to do final editing of all entries to maintain consistency throughout the website, we will use the nominator's words as much as possible, giving credit at the top of each entry. You can read more about our nomination policy on our FAQ page.
We greatly appreciate you taking the time to tell us about your favorite places. We know how difficult it is to find amazing, yet affordable, accommodations, so we are really excited to hear about your discoveries. Thank you so much for joining us!